Program Team
Help Work Days run more
efficiently by checking in volunteers, selling t-shirts, helping with lunch
preparations, cleaning up, and helping with other miscellaneous
Capture what happens during
Work Days through taking photos of residents and volunteers. These photos will
be used for multiple communication purposes, including thanking volunteers and
creating memories for everyone.
Supervise projects during Work
Days while being available to answer questions, troubleshoot problems, and
ensure projects are completed, while stepping in as a Project Leader when groups
are unable to identify someone for that role.
Tell stories of residents and
volunteers working together on projects during Work Days, as well as filming
direct interviews to be used in social media and other communication
Strategy Team
Create and implement a
strategic communication plan that includes print communication, press releases.
website, emails, social media, and other forms of communication. The team will
also develop a marketing plan.
Develop relationships with the
residents ECM works with by getting feedback about ECM, connecting them with
resources available in their community, and inviting them to “pay it forward”
and help their neighbors.
Create a strategic approach to
develop a solid financial foundation for ECM. The team will
implement fundraising events and develop other strategies (grants, sponsorships,
etc) to build resources for ECM.
Create a strategic approach to
community relations to help strengthen the impact of long-term community
building efforts. The team will promote future Work Days, while building
with neighbors. |
Develop relationships with
local businesses that can provide project supplies at discounted prices and
provide these resources to groups and residents so they can utilize these
connections in order to complete projects as economically as
Initiate relationships with community residents and be a resource to the volunteer groups as they are doing the door to door survey to identify projects. Speaking Spanish is a plus!
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